Thursday, August 24, 2006

materials exchange - blank tee shirts galore

hi saplings,

i have a great many blank american apparel tee shirts i am looking to trade/sell for cheap. in particular, i have about eight dozen women's l/s lilac tees as this picture. and a bunch of kids stuff, and other random items. let me know if you are interested. trying to clear out space in the house for new projects! - jen

Thursday, August 10, 2006

cotton fleece

hey y'all... if anyone is out in the fabric-shopping world and sees nice THICK fleece-y knits, please let me know. i am looking for sweatshirt fleece and/or lighter weight fleecy or brushed knits, but they must be primarily cotton (a lot of sweatshirt fleece out there is like 65 poly/35 cotton). last year Mood didn't have ANY sweatshirt fleece which i thought was crazy! i have so many ideas for cool sweatshirt styles but can never find the fabric. i would also look at online sources if anyone has any recommendations. i just spent about an hour searching online but didn't find much. thanks in advance for any info!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Re: Health Insurance Info

Hello Everyone!
I'm so happy to be posting my first Sapling Society blog entry.
This is a copy of the health insurance handout from a couple meetings back.
I have Family Health Plus and it's great. In order to qualify you must go through an interview process and your income (after business expenses, etc) must be low. It's a long process but so worth it if you qualify...
And if not, there are other NY state programs that might be worth looking into.
You can email me if you want more info about Family Health Plus.
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Comparison of Health Insurance Programs in New York:

Family Health Plus :
Free coverage if you qualify! Little or no co-pay, prescriptions are covered. Must schedule an interview first and fill out application to qualify. Strict income and resource requirements.
Who can join (requirements):
Where to apply (who to set up interview with):
Helpful numbers including Family Heath Plus:

Healthy NY:
Next step up from Family Health Plus. Low monthly payments for full coverage. Must meet financial requirements. Have to pick HMO and apply through them or online.
Healthy NY Eligibility Criteria for Individuals:
(EX: Family size (1) : Annual Household $=Up to $25,125, monthly = Up to $2,094)
How to apply:

Brooklyn Healthworks:
“The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, Group Health Inc. (GHI), a consortium of health care providers and the Office of the Brooklyn Borough President, are proud to offer an affordable health insurance for small businesses in the borough of Brooklyn – Brooklyn HealthWorks.”