Tuesday, July 14, 2009

treehouse turns three this sunday! we must partee! 4-8pm!

treehouse turns three!
image "borrowed" from this artist who's trying to terraform trees into buildings...the ultimate treehouses?

Can't believe treehouse is already THREE YEARS OLD!!!! Seems like
yesterday that treehouse was just a gleam in our eye....we're so proud and are looking forward to sharing in the
celebration with you this coming Sun. July 19th from 4-8pm! there's gonna be

treats, tasty refreshing drinks, SALES, the changing of the lightbox
(YAY!!!), friends, tunes, prizes and MORE MORE MORE. please come
and join in the good times! treehouse couldn't exist without your
love and support, so really this is a celebration of you! and ya gotta
come to your own party, right? ;) looking forward...

kisses from the branches,
and reaching for the stars,
sirius* treehouse

ps: a lot of our friends have offered there skills to create the best three year bday blowout ever!!! look forward to tasty beverages, homemade sausages, homemade sweet treats, new fantastic art, music to dream by.....you get the idea. we're stoked, and can't wait to share! cuz we're lucky, and you're rad!

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